Rooted In Christ: Colossians Week 4
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Week 4, Day 1:
Pray: “How precious is Your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. With You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light. Oh, continue Your steadfast love to those who know You, and Your righteousness to the upright of heart!” (Psalm 36:7, 9-10)
Read: This is eternal life, that we may know God, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom He sent (John 17:3). Today, read the book of Colossians and highlight what you learn about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit (I use purple). Remember to only highlight the portions of Scripture which teach something specific about the Trinity. Ask yourself if it answers who, what, when, where, why, or how. For example: Who is Jesus? What did He do? Where is He now? You may (will) find the answers to some questions before you even think to ask them. So, always remain open to what the text has to teach you.
Apply: Your memory verse this week is Colossians 3:1-2, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
Week 4, Day 2:
Pray: Dear Father, help us to “run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1b-3)
Read: Take out your Cross-Referencing Journal and start a new page entitled “Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit” (you may prefer to have separate pages for each one, just be sure to leave room for your future studies). Write down everything the book of Colossians teaches you about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Apply: Colossians 3:2-3 says, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” In the midst of earthly struggle, we are told to look to Heaven, and Whom have we in Heaven but Jesus (Psalm 73:25)?
On a notecard, write one thing you learned today about Jesus. Put it in your pocket or snap a picture of it with your phone. When your first struggle of the day comes instead of looking at the things of earth, take out the notecard and read it. Lift your spiritual eyes to the Lord from Whom your help comes (Psalm 121:1-2).
Week 4, Day 3:
Pray: “Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer;from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.” (Psalm 61:1-3)
Read: “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son” (Hebrews 1:1-2a). Jesus is the Word (John 1). The Word is where we go to get all our answers to life’s questions. Today, let’s ask questions and find the answers given to us in the book of Colossians. I have provided references as a guide, but I may have missed some, so use your Cross-Reference Journal entry from yesterday to complete each question.
- Who is God? (1:3)
- What has God done? (1:12, 1:13, 1:20, 2:12, 2:15)
- Who is Jesus? (1:15, 1:17, 1:18, 1:19, 2:2, 2:3, 2:9, 2:10, 2:17, 3:11)
- What has Jesus done? (1:16, 1:17, 1:21)
- Where is Jesus now? (3:1)
- What will God and Jesus Do in the future? (3:4,3:6)
Apply: In Matthew chapter fourteen Jesus walks on water to His disciples who were in a boat. On Jesus’ command, Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink. Jesus said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt” (Matthew 14:22-31). In the midst of our earthly struggles, it is so easy to doubt but we are told to lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:1b-2). This week when the storms of life come, instead of looking at the waves, continue to read over everything you have learned about Jesus during these last few days of study. Lift your spiritual eyes to the Lord from Whom your help comes (Psalm 121:1-2). Take your eyes off the waves and fix your eyes on Him.
Week 4, Day 4:
Pray: “For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.” (Psalm 62:5-8)
Read: Today let’s continue to delve into the truths Colossians teaches us about God and Jesus.
Colossians 2:1-2 says, “I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach the full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery…”
- What is God’s mystery? (2:2, 1:27)
- The mystery was hidden for ages and generations but now is revealed to who? (1:26-27)
- Read Romans 16:25-26 and write what you learn.
- Was this always God’s plan? If so, why? Read 1 Corinthians 2:7 and Ephesians 3:9-13
True believers hold fast to the head (Colossians 2:19).
- Who is the Head? (1:18)
- Who is the body? (1:18, 24; 3:15)
- From Whom does the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grow? (2:19)
- Who does the growth come from? (2:19)
- Read Ephesians 1:22-23 and write what you learn regarding the Body and the Head.
Apply: Hebrews 4:14-16 says, “Since then we have a great High Priest Who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One Who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Follow in obedience to this passage according to what you have learned in the Word today. Journal your prayer below.
Week 4, Day 5:
Pray: Dear Lord, Your Word is perfect, sure, and right (Psalm 19:7-8). Give us wisdom as You have promised in Your Word (James 1:5-8).
Read: Verse 1:24 can be confusing. Let’s study this passage so we can accurately handle the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). If you have not read “A Note on Biblical Interpretation and Application” do so now. Then follow the steps below.
Colossians 1:24 says, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,”
- Colossians 2:10 says, “you have been filled in Him.” Look up the word which is translated “filled” in this passage. It is the Greek word pleroo, Strong’s # 4134, and is translated complete” in the NKJV. Write what you learn.
- Now look up the following passages and write what you learn. Hebrews 10:11-14, Romans 5:18-19, John 19:30
- Read back over what you learned this week and last week in the book of Colossians regarding what Christ has done and His work of redemption and reconciliation. Write a summary below.
- Scripture will never contradict itself. According to everything you have studied today in the Word of God, is there anything lacking or insufficient in Christ’s work on the cross, or for that matter, in Christ in any way?
- So, we know what Paul does not mean, but what does he mean in Colossians 1:24? Use a Greek word concordance (such as the Strong’s Concordance or app) to look up the following words. Write what you learn.
- Filling Up: antanapleroo, Strong’s #466 (derived from “anti,” Strong’s #473 and “anapleroo,” Strong’s #378)
- Lacking: husterema, Strong’s #5303
- Afflictions: thlipsis, Strong’s #2347
- Now, consider the context of 1:24 within the entire book of Colossians. First read 1:20-23 and write a summary below.
- Think back to what you learned in week 1. What was Paul’s ministry? Where was Paul while he wrote this letter?
- Read Acts 9:15-16 and write what you learn regarding Paul
- Now let’s look at how Colossians 1:24 fits in context with the rest of Scripture. Read the following verses and write what you learn. 2 Corinthians 1:5, Philippians 1:29, and 2 Timothy 3:12.
- Let’s look at two final passages to bring our understanding full circle. Mediate on them and then write what you learn. Hebrews 12:4 (be sure you take this passage within it’s context in Hebrews 4) and 2 Peter 3:9.
- Now considering all that you have learned, what was Paul saying in 1:24?
Apply: If you still feel confused by Colossians 1:24 then that’s ok. Pray for wisdom and trust God to lead you into all truth (James 1:5-8, John 16:13). Do not read commentaries or seek out others’ opinions until you have a firm grasp on what this passage means based solely on the Bible. Peter said, “There are some things in [Paul’s letters] that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:16b-18a). Rest in the truths of His Word. Psalm 62:1-2 says, “For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.” Rest in Him.
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- All scriptures are quoted from the ESV translation